Celebrate easter @ FIRST BAPTIST DAWSONVILLE | March 31, 11 AM

900 Hwy 9 North, Dawsonville, GA 30534

Don’t miss this special service as we praise our risen Savior!

Christ has overcome the grave. Celebrate Easter with us this year. Make this a Holy Day, not just a holiday.

March 29, 6:30 PM - Good Friday Service

March 31, 11 AM - Easter Service

Easter service nursery provided for children 3 and under.

Easter nursery provided for children 3 and under. 4 and older will worship with family in the Worship Center.



Join us for a special Good Friday Service on March 29 at 6:30 PM. Then Celebrate Easter with us on Sunday, March 31 at 11 AM! We will be in the Worship Center on the main level. Guest Parking is located to the right of the parking lot. Handicap parking is located along the front of the building. Enter the front glass doors for convenient access to the Worship Center.

For Good Friday service: All children will worship with their family in the Worship Center.

For Easter services: Nursery provided for 3-years-old and under. Nursery is found on the lower level. Park around back by the playground for convenience. 4-year-olds and up will worship with family in the Worship Center.

You will have the opportunity to give your tithes and also your Annie Armstrong offering if you'd like. Or you can give online anytime here.

ONLINE Easter Services

Online services can be viewed on our Live Stream and on Facebook.